A busy month

October 28, 2014

A little embarrassing fact is creatives are terrible at time management. (I’ve had my struggles and I’m trying to improve.) This month I decided to not focus on anything except reading and writing –Well, it was supposed to be all reading but I can’t help myself!

This month I polished off seven books. Two were nonfiction guides for writers. The others were (ugh!) romance books.
Purely pedagogical, of course.

Why romance? One of the weaknesses in my writing is that I’ve never quite figured out how to do romance (which is weird, right? Because I’m a very candle-light-and-roses kind of guy). So I bit the bullet and am surprised to say that I quite enjoyed a few. I haven’t posted reviews on GR yet, but I will soon. Who woulda thunk it?

As to the writing, I’m a good 300 pages into the second part of the Under the Shadow of Darkness series and I’m hoping (fingers crossed! fingers crossed!) that my romantic scenes are up to snuff.

Here is a screen shot of my status. Those cute little flags are completed chapters!TDG-Capture-2014-11

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