updating the blogs

I used wordpress as my blog platform for a few years, then switched over to using goodreads for writing based stuff and facebook for family and friends based stuff. So for quite a few years, my wordpress site sat here untended. The weeds were getting high so I just migrated over a bunch of relevant posts from GR to here.

The whole reason for this is I am planning to bring back my author website in the next few weeks. (It is being built while I type this) and my expectation is that I would use wordpress to serve blog content over to my website. Fingers are crossed that all of that works seamlessly.

I am pretty excited about the website as it is going to have “responsive” technology. That is, the site is supposed to know what type of device is viewing it and adjust its size accordingly. Then, the site look different on a phone or tablet or computer and hopefully you won’t have to scroll around. Fingers crossed on that one too.

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